Saturday, March 22, 2008

C K Prahalad's visit in IIMK

The person who has topped 'The Thinkers 50', whose name is now taken before 'Bill Gates', 'Michael Porter', 'Philip Kotler', 'Steve Jobs' came to campus for Convo and our batch got the chance to interact with him.
Its enchanting when you know that you have an interaction with a person who is the best in the world. We are just in mid twenty's and are getting the chance to listen to all that gyan. It makes your confidence boost up [further up :) ] by talking to such celebrity.

Interaction started, with Dr Prahalad asking us, to put him question instead of he giving gyaan. He was saying who would be the first person to ask and I got inspired from his words and asked abt Casas Bahia, Brazilian Retail i.e. as to why that Model has not been replicated else where.
He said that it has been replicated in Mexico [but I was asking in context to Asian Market :) ]
and further said that Kishore Biyani is looking forward onto it seriously.

After this, discussion on Morality started. He said it’s decreasing in India day by day. And it’s vital to imbibe ethical principles that were there in our culture long time back. Also for extremely greedy people, it becomes even more important that they remain ethical :)
He asked us to check Corruption Index, Human Devlopment Index, Per Capita Index and find the correlation between them. The results explain just one thing 'MORALITY is it'.

Then he asked us to study model for 'B D' (Desi Cigarettes), 'Dabbawala', 'Arvind' ...........
He said we don't value things in our Nation. In context to Dabbawals he said only once he wrote about Dabbawalas and their six sigma process it got popular and Indians realized it.

Then he talked about entrepreneurship. He said it’s a drive that you need to have within.
Don’t wait for experience; it will make things difficult for you as you go down the line. So go for entrepreneurship straight from B-School, when your batch mates would be having three offers. You will have to be courageous and that is what entrepreneurship about.

It was awesome listening to the Legendary Management Guru. Don’t miss him guys incase you get any opportunity to listen to him.& IIMK Rocks…..

Friday, March 14, 2008

Rajdeep Sardesai's Experience

The diagram is holding structure of different companies running News Channels. It would give u a clear picture as to where is Global Broadcast News Ltd in Global Scenario.

What is similarity between Network18, TV18, Web18, E 18, NewsWire18, Capital18…………..
















Raghav Bahl

Yup you are right Rajdeep Sardesai heading Global Broadcast News Ltd whose 57% is being held by Raghav Bahl’s Network18 came to campus this evening.

It’s posh that you come from jogging and as soon as you enter room, you get to know that Rajdeep Sardesai is coming for an Interactive session. He asked us in the session as to whether we wanted Gyaan, Interactive or both in half an hour’s time. We went by the both option. He started with Political/Business Journalism, Indian Journalism on Global Scale, Indian Systems comparison with that of Britain’s, deteriorating Indian Journalism, Page 3 becoming Page1, Expenditure on Ritesh Deshmukhs wedding in a state of maximum suicides n Lalu Parshads zero role in Railway efficiency. He mesmerized all the students. It was a classy show. We all are hoping that we get to see him on our annual fest so would have much more to share with u guys.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

MBA Experince

Hi Guys
As said by Dean Jay O. Light ‘MBA experience goes beyond simply providing skills, tools, or knowledge. It also develops the judgment that is the foundation for a lifetime of leadership in a challenging, rapidly changing world’. MBA is a must experince in life. Will tell you soon how. :)

As we say MBA is about three G's Gyann, Gas n Globe.As you enter B-School, you start learning new things but as time passes u enter into a stage of gassing, what normally is called havabaaji in local dialect. This is the time when you have completed a term. And then as you start mixing with batch mates n senior’s you get to know about THE Globe thing.
Globe is superlative degree of Gassing. Now by this time u get to know that there is nothing as such called ' you don't know'. To quote an example one of the Recruiters during summers said ' I have a habit of replying without answering' :) And this is very normal in MBA, where you go around the world and come back to same position convincing the other that what you are saying is best of things he has ever heard without you knowing it :)

But on a serious note the learning is immense here. It’s worth spending 2 Golden years of your life.

I would keep blogging more. Please keep giving your valuable feedbacks and feel free to ask anything regarding MBA/Finance.