Saturday, September 18, 2010

Too busy: June-Aug

Oh wrote a blog after a long time, I did't know after Chairman retired I got even more busy that I could't even write a blog here, bull shit, was just wasting my time in these three months.

Blogging is very useful in this sense you get to know/review u r time. Optimistic abt utilizing my time in next 2-3 months.

I have started doing one good thing, I have started attending start-up saturdays. Those r fun days, u get to hear entrepreneurs, people pitching and evaluating their ideas.

Met Mr Vinay from GVK, awesome person, who can give u simple electronic solution to any common problem.

Would update from North America now.

My new blog

I have started another blog just for the books I read

Hope to make more entries in the classyconcept. Also planning for my Canada/USA trip. Its fun reading about session's in those areas, lets see if I can make it to one of them.