Saturday, October 9, 2010

Canada Trip

Oct 09, 2010
Went n met Angel, Amit n his friends, Aman n Ricky, the party was good.

Strange Fact - But what I felt strange was got to know that multiplexes don't have seating nos here, ppl queue up n rush to grab seats, lol, that was something that even Indian Cinema changed a long time back. It seemed India is more advanced than Canada. Would like to meet a Multiplex owner in Canada and ask the reason.

Retail Future of India - There is nothing as such unorganized retail here in Canada. I don't see small stores that u find in India. There r only big stores like Wall Mart, Future Electronics that specializes in their segment. It seems India would be one day on the same track, but would like to explore that did Canada ever have small stores or how Retail evolved in Canada.

Oct 10, 2010
Had a good discussion with my Masad today. Talking to ppl is really good. U get to know lot many things.

Sick Unit is a gud option. U r finance req. can be cut short, instead of new company take a sick company, instead of taking over sick company, make a good deal, where u can try out the venture for next 6 months without taking over the company.

Things to do
Lawyer - Good Share Holder Agreement
CA - IPO route n raising money, talk to Narinder Uncle.
Talk to ppl in Sick Unit Industry - Bankers

hunting on other ideas, lets see how it goes.

Oct 11, 2010
had a discussion on import-export licence today, How things work, how ppl profit out of govt. incentive. It seems getting to know abt business slightly.

How CRM works - Instead of asking why don't I get customers to doc with high ego's better say thankyou to docs for the customers they send.

Things to do
How did Masad find the hospital?
How do u find customers after buying the plot - Tomi Mama/Ashok Uncle.

Oct 12, 2010
Went with Masad to his new showroom today, had a gud time. He has done a gud deal. Property is worth 6M, he is getting for 4.5 Million, Income is worth 6 l/year, he has taken private mortgage n given first installment-2M. 2M costs 1 L/Year(Int) + 2L/year(P). Another 1 Million would complete the income. And for 1.5 M he would have his clinic or additional income from store.

This was something like comparison between Sick and running company i.e. a property in downtown vis-a-vis property here. Tomm going to his medical centre.

Things to do in Canada
Also, went to a maul where found two things interesting. One the customized beer made thing and another customized t-shirt. Need to talk to them.

And explore mini-golf courses, waste managment, kumon etc

Oct 13, 2010
Went with Masad to his Medical Centre today. That works really well. Managed by Ontario Government. Then met Aman on the way n went to Qiznos. That was a gud concept. Went to UPS store, a store for all business purposes, not value store. N then played with Aman in the evening on play station.

Things to do
Check Kummon, Golf, laundry n Waste-recycler.

Oct 14, 2010
Went to auditorium for seminar, just a normal

Oct 15, 2010
Went with Masi to few mauls, Elington square, Parksway maul. Checked out concept of advertisement gift voucher thats a gud concept. In India but can be taken to next level. Also had special puri in breakfast at Ahstmi, It was really gud.

Oct 16,2010
Today was masad's Bday, had a party. Went to Marshe, nice place where u get all cusines. Also checked out Mexican Grill with Amit, nice concept. I think its India SubWay.

Oct 17, 2010
Went with Masad to Costcho Retail Outlet. Nice concept worth exploring. They make members for retail and make wholsale outlets for ppl to come and shop.

Went to masi's friend for a party. All the uncle's were playing cards "teen patti" in Poker Nation.
Went to club after that with Aman n other cousins. The club was awesome, have't seen a club like that in India.

Oct 18, 2010
Went with masi to FairView Maul. Checked out the maul, found the juice bar concept. Also, shopped for Moeshu baby. Went with Aman in the evening to "Glow in the dark", a maul concept of the same is ready for use idea for Ambienace Maul.

Oct 19, 2010
Went with Masad to Torenton. Car got punctured on the way, 4th time in his last 25 years, lol.
Then reached his place, went with Aman for Wineyard n missed u lot today. Clicked awesome pics of the fall. Was a good day as an amateur photographer.

Went with Aman to "All Star" restaurant. Only models r their in this restaurant as waitress :)

Oct 20, 2010
had a rest day, went with masi/masad to Downtown n then Parkway maul. In the evening did net surfing.

Liked the idea of discount coupon booklet for marketing.

Oct 21, 2010
Went early morning to Vaughan Mill, had a gud day.

Checked out
1. Concept of Gift Voucher at Maul Level. Vaughan Mills.
2. Gold Rush - Cash for Gold was also a fine thing.
3. Teaopia has also potential in a country like India.
4. Got a customized T-Shirt "Revolution"
5. Got made BaB, nice concept.

Made friends at Tim Horton. Checked out Metro. N now m ready for New York. I leave for the new country tomorrow morning. Excited abt the nation.

Have got enough concepts in Canada, lets see what has US to offer.

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